Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"... the best years of your life"

I attended and graduated from Lambuth University in Jackson, TN. Lambuth is a small, private, Methodist University in west Tennessee. I looked at several colleges and universities before making the decision to attend Lambuth. Just like Goldilocks, I looked at schools that were too big, too small, too close to home, and too far from home. It is difficult for me to put into words exactly why I chose Lambuth over other comparable schools other than it just "felt right." From the second I saw the school, it looked and felt like what I thought a University should look and feel like. To this day I have not one single regret. While at Lambuth, I pledged and was initiated into the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity. Every spring my mind goes back to my days at Lambuth when we would move sofas from inside the house to the front yard. We would sit in the sun and drink, talk, study or do nothing. I remember people walking by and saying "enjoy yourself.... these are the best years of your life." Little did I know how dead on right they were.

Check out Lambuth at


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